Im so gay to make my "come back" to my own blog!!! yah. . . There are a lot of stories that i wanna narrate in here but they just kept in my minds. . . Sadness??? Happiness??? mmmm. . . Which one you guys wanna listen to??? hahahahaha. . .
I think just make it happier is better. . . Am i right??? Yah im so in L.O.V.E with my "Hubiepie". . . He calls me "Huniepie"!!! What a cute right??? ngeeee. . . ^.^ Somtimes he calls me "Luvbunch". Kinda understanding me, so caring, charming n of course taking care of me all the times. . . Thanks for that!!! Now Im happier than before. . . AND i hope that our love is for eternity. . . Eternal Love!!!
Now he is in KK for his duty as a flight attendant for MAS. . . Just chatted with him and we are keep laughing till ma tears dropped down. . .BUT!!! It means that we are so HAPPY!!! yah. . . Since the first time, he always makes me smile smile n smile. . .
Hey.. You're back..
hai amezac. . . yah. . .
aritu i tercicir ma password actually. .
byk sgt password smpai tertukar da suma. . .
ni suma keja stalker i. . .
so i stopped jab. .
then HERE I AM!!! hehehehe. . .
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